- Make a Difference in Our Community - Volunteer!
Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator Family Readiness Center
9810 Lee Rd, Fort Jackson 29207
+1 (803)751-5256 or email us: usarmy.jackson.93-sig-bde.mbx.jackson-acs@mail.mil.Volunteering is a great way to meet people, establish professional work experience, and give back to the community that has given us so much. Numerous volunteer positions are available on Fort Jackson.
Now accepting Volunteer of the Year Nominations
Please see the guidelines for nominations. Click here: VOY24 Nomination Guidelines
Now accepting Family of the Year Nominations
Please use the following documents to make your Family of the Year nominations. Click here: FOY24 Nomination Guidelines
- Steps to Volunteering
Step #1- Browse the list of open volunteer positions in the Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS). To access VMIS, go to https://vmis.armyfamilywebportal.com and click “Use Site as Guest;” select Filter; select Community, search and enter Fort Jackson; scroll down and select Country, search and enter United States; scroll down and select Zip Code, enter 29207, select OK. All open Fort Jackson volunteer opportunities will appear. If interested in a volunteer opportunity, register with the site to submit applications for specific positions.
Step #2- Contact the Army Community Service Specialist/AVC if you do not find a position of interest to you or need assistance with VMIS and/or the application process.
Step #3- Once the AVC approves your application, you receive an approval email notification. The agency contacts you and schedules a Volunteer Orientation.
Step #4- Log your volunteer hours in VMIS. VMIS allows you, your supervisor, and the AVC to track your volunteer work.