- Fort Jackson FAQs
Who is allowed to use the Auto Craft Shop & POV Resale Lot?
All DoD ID cardholders and their Family members are eligible.
Can I perform fuel maintenance at Auto Craft Shop?
Do you have a paint booth?
Do you have a welder?
At what age do my children need to be to work in the bay area with me?
For safety reasons, children under the age of 10 are not allowed in the vehicle or bay area. Children ages 10 and above are Parent or Guardian supervised at all time.
You will be asked to leave if your child is unsupervised at any time.
Do I need to show proof of ownership (vehicle registration, title or bill of sale) before signing my vehicle into the shop?
Yes, Registration or proof of insurance is required when you are signing in to the Auto Craft Shop.
Can I work on a friend’s vehicle without them signing it into the shop?
No, all vehicles must be signed in prior to beginning any repairs.
Can I bring my mechanic to work on my vehicle to the shop?
No, you cannot bring a person for hire to fix your vehicle in the Craft shop.
To what extent will the staff assist me with my car repair in the Hobby Shop?
Our friendly staff is available to provide guidance and pointers; however, hands-on assistance by staff is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Staff will only assist where they are competent and comfortable. If staff assistance is needed, additional service charges may be applied based on the circumstance.
At what time does Hobby Shop stop taking customers?
The last car will be authorized to enter the Hobby Shop one hour prior to the posted closing time; otherwise, the facility will close at this time. Thank you for cooperation and understanding.
*The last car will be authorized to enter the Auto Craft Shop one hour prior to closing. Clean up starts 30 minutes prior to closing time.
Can I register a friend’s vehicle for the Resale Lot?
No, proof of ownership is required for all vehicles.
- Auto Craft Shop Events
- Per-Owned Vehicle Sales Lot
The POV Sales Lot, is operated by Auto Craft Shop, located at the corner parking lot of the Strom Thurmond Building off Marion Ave. Here you can sell your vehicles, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles, and motorcycles. You must have a government ID, or be the immediate family member of a government ID Cardholder, proof of registration and insurance to park on the POV Sales Lot. The cost is $25 per vehicle for 30 days and this includes being advertised on the Fort Jackson Auto Craft webpage.
Register your vehicle at Fort Jackson Auto Craft Shop, 5669 Lee Rd.
Shoppers interested in purchasing a vehicle from the lot will find prices and contact information on the vehicle, usually posted near the windshield and the Auto Craft Shop webpage.
- The Staff
The Auto Craft Shop staff is a courteous and professional staff well trained in the automotive areas and will assist and guide you with your project.
- The Shop
The shop has a total of 21 bays
- 9 Hydraulic lifts ( 4 posts and 2 posts)
- 3 Mini hydraulic lift bays
- 9 Flat bays
- Bench work area
Lifts and floor jacks that will lift any type of vehicle are located throughout the shop areas. Jack stands in two and five-ton capacities and transmission jacks are also available for use.
Patrons are not permitted to work on a vehicle supported by one jack only; therefore, the shop provides ample jack stands for each bay.
- Bench Work Area
The machine room has tables with a bench vise, a hydraulic press, a grinder and a drill press. This area is equipped to rebuild engines, transmissions and other parts. The machine room is treated like all other stall areas in the shop; patrons sweep and clean the tables after each use.
- Jack's Car Wash
Currently under renovations. (Current as of June 7, 2023)
- Outside Parking Area
To accommodate major overhauls, the outside parking are can store up to 20 vehicles awaiting repair and/or repair parts.
- Tool Distribution Center
The Tool Room is well stocked with standard and metric tools. Many specialty items are also available including air wrenches, spring and strut compressors, tach and dwell meters, volt and amp meters, cylinder hones, ring groove cleaners, cam bearing installers/removers, drill and some body tools.
- Service
All services available are on a first come, first serve basis.
- Safety
Safety Classes given Thursday through Sunday as needed, on demand. Class lasts approximately 20 minutes, followed by a brief introduction to our shop. *Closed to shoes are required in the shop at all times (no Croc shoes or closed toe sandals)
Course Highlight
- Patron Safety
- Proper use of equipment
- Control and management of hazardous material disposal
- Fort Jackson mandatory recycling program
A DA Form 3031-1 (Qualification Card) will be issued to patrons after attending the training. The card is valid at other Auto Skills facilities.
Clean up begins a half hour prior to close. Please plan accordingly.
- Auto Detailing
Price Guide (pdf)
At Fort Jackson Auto Craft Shop we make it easy for You-do-it customers. The key to keeping your vehicle safe and reliable is regular maintenance.
The Auto Craft Shop is equipped 21 bays, 12 bays with vehicle lifts, a broad selection of tools and state-of-the-art equipment including online diagnostic databases in our new computer library/classroom, which include vehicle specific wiring diagrams, maintenance information, labor estimates, technical service bulletins, and recalls.
We make servicing easy and affordable for you to perform regular maintenance on your vehicles by providing space, equipment, and help (if needed). Skilled staff members are on site and will answer technical questions and guide you through your self-service projects.
We are open to all service members, retirees, DA civilians, Fort Jackson civilians, National Guard members, reservists, and the immediate families of all aforementioned patrons. Family members must be 10 years of age to be in the shop and receive the safety training.
Auto Craft Shop is also disabled accessible thru the bay doors. Auto Detailing is by appointment only. Come meet our Staff!
****Closed toe shoes are required at all times (No Crocs or any types of sandals)****